
Showing posts from May, 2017

ഒരു മാസം മുഴുവൻ വാട്സാപ്പും ഫെയിസ്ബുക്കും ഇല്ലാതെ വന്നാൽ...

                                                                                                                                                    ഇവിടെ നമ്മൾ, മാറുന്ന ലോകത്തിന്റെ അന്തരീക്ഷത്തിൽ നവമാധ്യമങ്ങളാൽ ഒരേ സമയം മലിനമായും അതേ സമയം ധന്യമായും തോന്നുന്ന തരംഗങ്ങളിൽ. എനിലേ പോലെ തന്നെ ലോകജനതയുടെ  മനസ്സുകളിൽ സാമ്യമായ താള തരംഗങ്ങൾ ഉത്ഭവിക്കാൻ ഇടയാക്കുന്ന രണ്ടു യുവ സ്രിഷ്ടികൾക്കിടയിൽ ഫെയിസ്ബുക്ക്‌,വാട്സാപ്പ്‌. നവ മാധ്യമങ്ങളുടെ അതിർവരമ്പു ലംഘനം എന്ന്‌ ആദ്യം നരബാധിച്ച മനസ്സുകൾക്ക്‌  തോന്നിയെങ്കിലും പിന്നീട്‌ മനുഷ്യമനസ്സുകളുടെ നിസ്സഹായതയെ ഒരേ അളവിൽ കൂട്ടാനും,കുറയ്ക്കാനും ഇവയ്ക്ക്‌ സാധിച്ചു. യുവ തലമുറ മുതൽ നരബാധിച്ചവർ വരെ ഒരു പോലെ ഉപഭോക്താകളാവുന്ന വേളയിൽ പുതു ജനനം  സംഭവിച്ച കുട്ടികളുടെ തിരിച്ചറിവിൽ വരെ ഈ പേരുകൾക്കു സ്ഥാനം ലഭിച്ചു. യാന്ത്രികത ഒരു രോഗമാകുന്ന കാലത്ത്‌, യാന്ത്രികമായ മനുഷ്യർ സ്രഷ്ട്ടിക്കപ്പെടുന്നതു പോലും അവരുടെ അനുവാദം ഇല്ലാതെയാണ്‌ എന്ന്‌ ഇവയുടെ  ആഗമനം നമ്മെ ബോധ്യപ്പെടുത്തുന്നു. സഹജീവികളോടുള്ള വികാരം മുതൽ സ്വന്തം ആതമാവിന്റെ നൈസർഗിക  സ്വഭാവത്തിനു വരെ അളവു നിശ്ചയിക്കു

Keep Reading

"I forget things I read. That is why I do not read" Sounds familiar? Well, I used to hear this a lot from many of my friends. I was never able to give them a fitting reply. Last day while talking to a friend, he gave me an interesting analogy which perfectly solved my problem.  {We eat and drink every day, don't we? Some of this food goes out as waste and most of it is forgotten. If I ask you what you have eaten last week, you probably will not remember. But some of the things you have eaten became your flesh and your bones. Think of reading in the same way. Some of the things you read will be wastes, most will be forgotten but it will shape your mind and make you a better person. So, keep reading.  }

Transcript of Dr. Shashi Tharoor's speech at Oxford; Britain Owes India Reparations.

Madam President and gentlemen, ladies of the house. I stand here with eight minutes in my hands in this venerable and rather magnificent institution, I was going to assure you that I belong to the Henry VIII School of public speaking - that as Henry VIII said to his wives 'I shall not keep you long'. But now finding myself the seventh speaker out of eight in what must already seem a rather long evening to you I rather feel like Henry VIII's the last wife. I know more or less of what expected of me but I am not sure how to do it any differently. Perhaps what I should do is really try and pay attention to the arguments that have advanced by the Opposition today. We had, for example, Sir Richard Ottaway suggesting - challenging the very idea that it could be argued that the economic situation of the colonies was actually worsened by the experience of British colonialism. Well, I stand to offer you the Indian example, Sir Richard. Indian share of the world economy wh

Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw’s Lecture at Defence Services College, Wellington on Leadership and Discipline, 11th November 1998.

Commandant, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am fully conscious of the privilege, which is mine, to have been invited here to address the college. A while ago, I was invited to a seminar where the subject was youth, and people said that the youth of this country was not pulling its weight, that society generally was not satisfied with how the young were functioning. When I was asked what I thought about it, I said that the youngsters of this country are disappointed, disturbed and confused. They cannot understand why all these untoward things are happening in this country. They want to know who is to blame. Not them. If they want to study at night and there is no power, they want to know who is to blame. Not them. If they want to have a bath, there is no water; they want to know who is to blame. Not them. They want to go to college and university and they are told there are not any vacancies; they want to know who is to blame. Not them. They say – here is a country which was considered th

The Interview

"May I come in, "asked Joe while opening the door to the interview room. A sweet voice answered,  "please come in". Joe was so surprised to see a very beautiful lady officer before him. He was already in a trance.  "Joe, please take a seat," said the officer. He didn't hear what she said, He was looking at her lips move,  the way she tugs her hair when it falls onto her face. "Joe!" The interviewing officer almost had to shout to bring him out of that trance.  "Please take a seat, "She said again.  Joe sat down. He wanted to impress this officer,  he made up his mind to act cool and funny.  "So, you are Joe Joseph? " she asked,  " That is what all my certificates say," he said with a smile.  She smiled and asked,  "Well, what do you say you are?" "Can you keep a secret?" He asked with a naughty smile.  "Sure"                   "I am batman," he said with a naug

India - China Relations

Issue of stapled visa Several issues have plagued India-China relations through the past year. The most important of them concerns the emergence of Jammu and Kashmir as a new issue area between the two. The Chinese decision to provide stapled visas for Indians from the State of Jammu and Kashmir that indicated it considers it 'disputed’ – in line with Pakistan’s position – has become a major diplomatic problem. This problem was compounded in August 2010 when China denied a visa to Lt. Gen Jas Pal, Commander, Northern Command, since he is based in Jammu and Kashmir. The lack of diplomatic sensitivity and protocol on the Chinese side was stark since the Lt. Gen was invited by the PLA. India has suspended all high-level military exchanges with China in retaliation and till the issue is sorted out to its satisfaction. It also canceled the visits of Chinese high-level military visits to India. POK A second issue – again linked to J&K – was the active involvement o

What is Brexit?

Before starting to explain Brexit, let me explain this. The  European Union  ( EU ) is a political and economic union.  EU  consists of  28  member states. With  the UK  leaving the union there will be  27  countries left in the Union. Now, the difference between the UK and the Great Britain ; UK = GB + Northern Ireland  GB = England, Scotland and Wales UK = the official country GB = a geographical region, the main island of the UK What is Brexit? On June 23, 2016, by a referendum people of UK opted to exit itself from the EU and Brexit is the modern nomenclature gifted by the social medias from around the globe for this exit. The expanded form entails Britain’s exit. Why Brexit? UK has been one of a prominent member of the EU. It is the second contributor after Germany(20%) to the EU’s GDP giving in every fiscal a 17% of contribution. France 14%. Italy 11%. The UK has always been so open among the other countries. Liberalization was at its peak, but ho